
Positive Impacts of Immigrants

Immigration in its purest form is the movement of a group of people into a country for assimilation. The inspiration for this movement could be based on many factors. Economic instability and lack of opportunity could attract immigrants into a country with the expectation or hope of better economic conditions. 

Societal pressures such as government oppression, religious persecution, or civil unrest are other sources of inspiration for immigrants to leave their native country in search of a better place elsewhere. All of these factors relate to the central theme of bettering the life and conditions of the immigrants. 

With the in-flux of a group of people, the internal environment of a country will change. The United States has experienced change and will continue to do so into the future. With immigrants pouring in through legal avenues or in unlawful ways, the change that takes place can improve the quality of life in the United States. 

From an economic stand point, immigration has the potential to improve conditions in the United States. Outsourcing is a practice that is common place in industries such as software development and manufacturing. The flux of unskilled labor into the United States creates a surplus of workers. Often these workers send money back to their native country for their families. These two practices detract from the quality of the United States. Immigration is a viable way for the outsourced labor and unskilled labor to work in the United States and at the same time boost the economic conditions here. 

Software companies in India, Eastern Europe, and Russia all receive jobs that could be assigned to native labor. The selling point for these outsourced labor groups is that they are willing to work for a lower price than American workers. This is detrimental in many ways. The money that is sent to purchase their services could have been spent to hire an American worker. Instead, these foreign groups gain momentum and economic strength by the outsourcing of labor, leaving the America labor poor with fewer opportunities. The solution to this problem is immigration. If the outsourced labor was moved to the United States, the foreign workers would now become taxable citizens that could boost American productivity. Additionally this would increase competition in the American labor poor which would bring about innovation and new technologies. Software engineers and other outsourced computer jobs should immigrate to the United States to prevent money from going offshore.

Unskilled labor primarily from Mexico enter through the Mexican border and through the Canadian border with the United States. This creates many problems for the United States and immigration can alleviate many of the problems. 

Crime in the border counties is high. A contributing factor to this is the extreme methods that Mexican immigrants come up with to enter the United States. Human smugglers known as “Coyotes” bring Mexicans across the border in many different dangerous ways. When they get here the Mexicans are let to their own devices. Without a job, they are unable to pay for the minimum requirements for living and may resort to theft and drug trafficking. If immigration was allowed to take place, the incoming Mexicans would have an economic incentive not to resort to these tactics.

It is frequent that a worker will come from Mexico and find a job that requires unskilled labor. The bulk of the money is then sent back to Mexico to fund the family that was left behind. In La Misma Luna, the Mexican family receives about three hundred dollars a month from the worker in the United States. Assuming that this is an average amount per month sent back to Mexico per worker, the total amount of money that is being taken out of the local and state economies is substantial. California is a primary region for this scenario to happen. Coupled with its already precarious financial situation, California cannot afford to allow this to happen. Immigration would allow for the workers and the families of the workers to reside in the United States thereby eliminating the need for money to be sent out of the United States. Additionally, by becoming citizens through immigration, the Mexican workers and their families could then become taxable citizens. This would boost the local, state, and national financial conditions.

Immigrants by themselves add to the value of the United States by adding new members to the tax base, and increasing competition which leads to innovation and progress. The issues detract form the quality of life in the United States are the methods in which immigration is enforced. It is not the immigrants who detract from the quality, it is the policies and actions that are in place that have a negative impact. 

Immigrants from Mexico typically take jobs that are not attractive to native workers. Hard labor in agriculture and domestic cleaning are two types of jobs that were shown in  La Misma Luna. The immigrants fill these positions because they are difficult to regulate and have high rates of turn over. This makes tracking employees difficult if not impossible. The government enters into the challenge of regulating and monitoring this situation which is a wasteful and endless problem. The government may catch illegal immigrants and deport them but this does not stop the problem. More immigrants will arrive to replace the one who have been deported. If the United States increases the capture and deportation of illegal immigration, they will respond with even more determination to enter the country. Immigration regulation on this level does not solve the problem but works to sustain it. The United States method of catching and deporting is not effective enough to prevent problems associated with immigration and only sustains the problem. Immigrants do not take away from the quality of life in the United States, the immigration regulation tactics create problems  through ineffective tactics.

Immigrants can have a positive influence on the United States. From an economic standpoint, the presence of more working citizens can increase the tax base. The negative issues that arise from immigration are the tactics that the United States government uses to enforce their policies. Immigrants add to the quality of life in the United States.